High Level implementation steps of oracle database migration to mysql
Oracle to mysql migration steps
Mysql BA provides test and production database connection string, account number and password
1. Modify liquibase configuration file and generate mysql database table locally
2. Import the table structure produced in the local environment into the test environment mysql database
3.Test environment using Kettle tool to migrate the source oracle database to the new mysql
4. Test environment application database switch mysql version database
6. The test environment uses the kettle tool to migrate the incremental data from the source oracle database to the new mysql database
7. Test environment business smoke test
8. Import the table structure into the production environment Mysql database
9. The production environment uses the kettle tool to migrate the source oracle database to the new mysql database
10. The application is released to the grayscale environment and the database is switched to the new mysql database
11. The production environment uses the kettle tool to migrate the source oracle data incremental data to the new Mysql database
12. Grayscale environment business smoke test
13. Application production environment application database switch to the new mysql database
14. Production environment Use the kettle tool to migrate the source oracle database incremental database to the new mysql database
15. Production environment Business smoke test
16. Offline application gray environment
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